Ten Words

Acknowledge that creation is not ours to control and exploit; it is the vehicle of God’s action and the bearer of God’s gift.

Seek to open your eyes and heart to the God who comes to meet us wherever our eyes turn.

Do not forget that life is given us through all that surrounds us, and that our existence is a source of life for other creatures.

Labour for the shared good of all that is.  This is what our creator has brought us into being to do, with gladness and gratitude.

Remember that what we do or fail to do today has consequences for our children and our children’s children, and for the whole family of created beings; do not defraud them of their inheritance.

Do not lay hold on the things of the world so as to feed the hunger of your private self. Remember that this is the way of death for you and for all around you. Be ready to repent of all we have done that leads us further into this way.

Remember that the gift of God has set us free from the compulsions of greed; do not walk back into slavery.  Be agents of freedom for all you encounter.

Be mindful of the truth of who you are as a human being.  Meditate day and night on the gifts of God, in attention, in silence, in adoration.

Do not turn your eyes and your heart away from the pain that human beings have inflicted on the home they share.

Test all that you do, say or think by the standard of compassion.  Give to the world around you the love you need for your own life and health.

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